• mfotofunclub@gmail.com

Set Subjects 2025

Month Subject Description
Intentional Camera Movement
Intentional camera movement or ICM is a creative way of working with long exposure photography and it implies deliberately moving the camera during an exposure. Moving the camera during exposure transforms the image from everyday to unique. This technique is all about breaking the rules and embracing the beauty of blur. By intentionally moving your camera while the shutter is open, you can create mesmerizing, dreamlike images that defy convention. The results are reminiscent of an Impressionist painting – except instead of a paintbrush, you use a camera!
Thank you for the music
Take a photo of a music instrument, a musician, a band, a singer or a concert as long as it is related to any form of music.
'n Silhouette-foto wys ‘n onderwerp as ‘n donker, ongedetailleerde buitelyn wat duidelik afsteek teen ‘n helder of goed beligte agtergrond. Die onderwerp word gewoonlik in skadu gelaat, wat fokus op sy vorm en profiel plaas. Hierdie tipe foto gebruik dikwels sterk kontras tussen lig en donker om die dramatiese effek te versterk. Gewilde temas sluit in mense, diere, bome, en geboue, en agtergronde soos sonsondergange, sonopkomste, of helder lug word gereeld gebruik. Die eenvoud van ‘n silhouette-foto skep ‘n kragtige visuele impak en word dikwels geassosieer met emosie, misterie, of simboliek.
Birds eye view
Birds eye view is a technique that involves taking a picture from above, giving the viewer a perspective that's similar to being a bird in flight or perched.
Tools of the trade
Take a photo of tools and equipment that you need do a job properly.
Panorama photography is the process of capturing a wide-angle image that's longer than a standard photograph. Several photos can be stitched together to get the result.
Human Legs
Human leg photography is the capture of the lower limb of the human body, which includes the foot, thigh, knee, and sometimes the hip or buttock region. Here are some tips for taking photos of the human leg: Lighting: Consider the lighting conditions and whether you need additional light sources. For indoor photos, you may need a stronger light source, such as a studio strobe and softboxes. For outdoor photos, you can mix natural light with artificial light. Shooting distance: Use a lens with a focal length of 85 mm or 105 mm to frame the subject. If you're using a shorter lens, you can center the subject in the frame. Shooting angle: Shooting from a low angle can make the legs appear longer.
Even numbers
Ewe Getalle/”Even Numbers” Foto's van ewe getalle verwys na komposisies waar die hoeveelheid van 'n spesifieke element in die beeld 'n ewe getal is, soos twee, vier, of ses voorwerpe of subjekte. Hierdie tipe foto's skep 'n gevoel van balans en simmetrie, aangesien ewe getalle dikwels 'n harmonieuse voorkoms bied. Tog is dit belangrik om te weet dat fotograwe dikwels kies om onewe getalle in hul komposisies te gebruik om visuele belangstelling en dinamiek te bevorder, aangesien ewe getalle soms té voorspelbaar kan voorkom. Maar as die doel is om orde, kalmte of selfs 'n spieëlagtige effek te skep, kan foto's met ewe getalle baie treffend wees.
Astrophotography is the practice of taking photographs of astronomical objects, celestial events, or areas of the night sky
Complimentary Colours
Choose 2 opposing colors on this color wheel to create your photo. Opposites attract! Complementary Colors are colours that sit opposite each other in a color wheel. The important thing about Complementary Colors is the fact that they intensify each other. Red and Green, Orange and Blue, Yellow and Purple are Complementary and used together they have their brightest intensity, so they really pop!
Leading lines
Leading lines are a compositional technique where natural or human-made lines lead the viewer’s eyes through a photograph to the main subject or heart of the image. The lines can be curved, straight, diagonal, vertical, horisontal or converging.
January 2026

Levitation photography!

This fun technique opens up endless possibilities and storytelling opportunities!

Imagine a book floating above a reader's hands, a dancer suspended in mid-jump, or everyday objects defying gravity. This challenge allows you to blend reality with fantasy, creating mesmerizing and surreal images.


To achieve the levitation effect, you can use various techniques:

  • Jump Shots: Capture your subject in mid-jump to create the illusion of levitation. (recommended shutter speed: 1/1000th or faster)
  • Props and Supports: Use invisible strings, clear supports, or edit out props in post-processing.
  • Composite Photography: Combine multiple images using layer masks in your photo-editing software to achieve a seamless levitation effect.

Planning and creativity are key to a successful levitation shot. Think about your concept and how to make the levitation look realistic and magical. Pay attention to lighting, shadows, and perspective to enhance the illusion.

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